updated 12feb.03

Foundation for Youth Support

foundation for

youth support

po box 1180
lunenburg, nova scotia boj 2co canada
Phone: 902.634.3991 FAX : 902.634.7169

youth support program overview

foundation overview

ysf in the news

extreme talk

sharing strengths

help links for youth

nova scotia youthspeak

help #s for south shore ns

the buccaneer bay project

the community mentorship initiative

western region health board's addiction services

The foundation for youth support of lunenburg and queens County of Nova Scotia is an incorporated charitable organization under the laws of Nova Scotia.

Dec. '01 Founder, George Munroe Retires

1996 ns student drug use survey

1998 ns student drug use survey

youth support's farm project

farm project in the news

sign our guestbook  /YSF/  view our guestbook